Conference Beat® – National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) Show, Atlanta, October 2019

  The National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) Show attracted nearly 23,500 visitors. Industry professionals converged in seminars and on the show floor to see the cool new products and learn about trends in the convenience retail business.… More

Conference Beat® – American Culinary Federation (ACF) National Convention, Orlando, August 2019

  The American Culinary Federation (ACF) is celebrating its 90th year and met in Orlando for its annual conference this year. ACF is the largest professional chefs’ organization in North America, comprised of more than 15,000 members. The organization is considered the leader in offering educational resources, training and accreditation to enhance professional growth forRead More

Cottage Cheese Reimagined, 2019

This project was created to demonstrate Culinary Visions’ unique ability to reimagine time-honored products with on-trend culinary ideas that appeal to modern consumers in a whole new way. The project explores the possibility that cottage cheese may be the next trendy food, similar to the rise in popularity of yogurt and hummus. Culinary Visions chefsRead More

Cannabis Products, 2019

The Cannabis Products project was created to reveal insights on the future of cannabis in the food industry by surveying 1,938 consumers. The study reflects Culinary Visions’ distinct ability to anticipate trends in foodservice. This report explores consumers’ interest in various cannabis-infused products and cannabis-related experiences, while also gauging consumer knowledge and motivations.… More