Services. Our services are designed to give you relevant insight from the opinion leaders who matter to your business. Whether you need cutting edge chefs, emerging leaders, consumer foodies, or customers who frequent your stores, we can customize a panel that will give you unequaled insight.

The Trends
Translating the Trends. We deconstruct the latest food trends and build relevant context for your business.

Big Idea
Big Idea Innovation. The Innovation Lab experience is a full immersion session that allows you to gain the collective insight of innovators in a wide range of food, culinary and creative disciplines to drive new product and service development.

Highly Focused
Consumer Research
Highly Focused Consumer Research. We tap the consumers who frequent specific types of retail and foodservice venues to provide a better understanding of their perspectives on your products and help you define your competitive advantage.

Culinary Ideation. We deconstruct the latest food trends and build relevant context for your business.

Custom Crafted
Custom Crafted Panels. We create a collection of experts to gain insights you need to build your business. From a quick pulse check to an in-depth review, every panel is custom crafted.

Media Attention
Inspiring Media Attention. We stay in touch with leading editors to help you craft newsworthy content that captures their interest and attention.